
Careful Stewards of the Poodle Breed.

We Love our Poodles.  They, in return, are loyal, intelligent, and quick to learn.  

Our poodles are beautiful, but we breed for temperament first and foremost. 

Because Poodles are extremely intelligent, they are really easy to train.  They are eager to please and quickly understand what is being asked of them.

The Moyen Poodle is a fourth size, very common in Europe – between 15 1/2″ and 20″ in height and typically weigh in between 18 pounds and max out at about 32 pounds.

Moyen Poodles make wonderful companions for the family.  They are alert and make sure that you know someone is approaching the home, however, they are not the best guard dogs as they are not aggressive and not quick to be on the attack.